Electrical Parameters of an Operating Industrial Electrostatic Precipitator Under Intermittent Energization: Simulation and Analysis of the Continuously Measured Data

V. Arrondel1, G. Bacchiega2, and M. Hamlil1

1EDF R&D, France
2I.R.S. s.r.l., Italy

Abstract- The control systems of the electrical power supplies installed on coal power plants' electrostatic precipitators (ESP) vary. However, their basic principle of operation is the same: the aim is to maintain the maximum current (or infrequently the maximum voltage) with a limited number of sparks and no spark-over. This mode of control, by the number of sparks per minute (adjustable per field), is not suitable in the case of back-corona. If the ash resistivity is high, then intermittent energization has to be used. The simulation of performances of a dust collector operating under DC voltage is described extensively in the literature. This paper presents a simulation of the performances of an electrostatic precipitator powered by intermittent energization using physical models. For this reason, an equivalent electrical circuit of the electrostatic field is given, and the current-voltage characteristics are compared to those observed on an industrial site. Intermittent energization performances are then compared to those of a normal control mode. Finally, continuously measured data on the dust collector of a coal-burning 250 MW unit using intermittent energization are analyzed. This is carried out without having to stop the installation and without manual readings. Voltage current characteristics can be deduced from standard data collected continuously, thereby avoiding efficiency loss linked to a specific system for acquiring data.

Keywords- Electrostatic precipitator, V-I curves, intermittent energization, big data

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