CFD-Modeling of Electrostatic Precipitation under Quenched Conditions in Coaxial Wire-Cylinder-Configuration

S. Kaiser1 and H. Fahlenkamp2

1Laboratory of Mechanical Process Engineering, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
2Retired head of the laboratory of Environmental Technology, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Abstract- The design of electrostatic precipitators is very complex, especially, if the intended operational conditions are characterized by the presence of a very high load of particles or droplets. In this case, the high amount of particle bounded charge leads to a significant disturbance of the corona development causing a deterioration of precipitation efficiency. This effect is known as "Corona-Quenching". The objective of this work is the development of a numerical model based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and capable to cover this operational range.

Keywords-Modeling of electrostatic precipitators, corona quenching, space charge density, co-axial wire-tube configuration, macroscopic corona model

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